Worst Database Management Practices

3 Worst Ways to Handle Your Databases

We believe that creating a safe database today is easier than it has ever been. We have so many wonderful tools and metrics at our disposal that we can select a specialized weapon to defend ourselves against every type of attack. We’ll discuss database security standards, threats, countermeasures, and best practices in this post.

What is the definition of database security?

“Database security” encompasses all security measures implemented on the database management system. It’s in charge of the software architecture’s data layer, as well as its processing, transmission, and storage. The following are the major components of database security:

  • Creating security controls: Most database management solutions provide unique security assurance and monitoring mechanisms. The parameters must be changed by the developers. When configuring a DBMS, security involves an ordered data structure, modified safety settings, permissions, and access limits.
  • Authentication: each database should validate user access to settings, networks, and data automatically.
  • Constant database auditing: monitoring database security helps to discover suspicious trends and catch security mistakes early, lowering the effect of a breach.
  • Backups: Creating backups in a secure database is always an inspected process. Even if data is lost or corrupted, you will always have a backup copy.
  • File Encryption: Using file encryption prevents thieves from deciphering and exploiting the contents of the file. Even if they get access to the database, they will not be able to see the data.

Database security is critical for all databases, but it is more critical for big ones. According to the Anderson rule, a large database cannot be devoid of security risks; similarly, data that is accessible and quick to obtain (as is the case with many IT products) will not be fully safe.

Users now expect the app’s result after only a few actions, making databases more accessible than they have ever been. Even small firms now manage 10 times more data than they did 5-10 years ago, thanks to the rising popularity of personalisation. The usability increases, but the size and availability compromise security.

The significance of database safety

We’ve seen what happens when organizations fail to keep sensitive data safe during the last few years. Godaddy, the Dutch government, the United Nations, and Defense Information Systems Energy all experienced data leaks in April of 2020. With a rise in remote work and data access, the risk of business and organizational security being compromised increases.

Big data breaches, such as those at Uber or Equifax, create history and have a long-term influence on a company’s reputation. Even a small security breach can have disastrous effects for a company.

  • A Data Breach: If your organization has unique technical inventions, creative work, strategic paperwork, or trade secrets, a data breach will diminish your market position and potentially strengthen rivals.
  • Ruining a company’s reputation: nowadays, many businesses consider safety to be their most important competitive advantage. Users are becoming more aware of security threats and want to work with reputable companies. According to a Harris poll, 63 percent of individuals consider safety to be a critical issue when making a purchase.
  • Legal repercussions: governments become aware of unethical data storing practices and advocate for legal action. HIPAA, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, and the General Data Protection Regulation all include million-dollar fines for compromising customer data.